ISSN 2225-7551
Author Academic degree Post Workplace Articles and views
Нavrylenko N.І.
PhD in Techical Sciences Docent Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine
№4 (69), 2013, #29 1583
Нumenіuk Оksana
Phd in Chemical Sciences Docent Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine
№2 (57), 2012, #7 1295
№2 (65), 2013, #36 1349
№1 (77), 2015, #29 1682
№3 (51), 2011, #20 571
№2 (49), 2011, #20 542
№45, 2010, #33 470
№40, 2009, #28 478