ISSN 2225-7551

№2 (65), 2013 Technical series

1. Pilipenko O.I., Poluyan A.V. — Comprehensive assessment of the analysis of motion roller chain using software product solidworks.
2. Alekseevskiy D.G. — Analysis of torque control effectiveness for wpp electromechanical system.
3. Boyko S.V. — Automation of preparation of manufacture of case details by a method of reverse engineering.
4. Kondel V.M., Shevchuk М.М., Kholodkov R.T. — The investigation of rational sections for compressed structures and parts of machines.
5. Bulakh I.O., Hloba O.V. — The analysis of methods of non-destructive flaw detection of the products from composite materials.

6. Prystupa Anatolii — Features of calculating the partial capacitances for simulation of tesla's processes at wireless power transmission.
7. Anisimov V.V., Yermakov P.P. — Investigation of cavitation process in submerged nozzle.
8. Lazarіev T.V., Radych Y.V., Shylovych T.B. — Experimental investigations of physical and chemical processes by pyrolysis of peat.
9. Dubenets V.H., Savchenko O.V. — Optimization of multilayered electro-viscoelastic plates.

10. Fedorynenko Dmytro — Quality of management system of spindle position with hydrostatical supports of adjustable type.
11. Venzheha Volodymyr, Rudyk Andrii, Rudyk Vladyslav — The experimental investigation of the accuracy of the ends butt forming.
12. Chupryna V.M. — The dynamic calculations of tools and their parts by final element method in cad.
13. Makatуora D.A. — Determination of linear cutting force of microporous rubber with a knife with double-sided sharpening.

14. Bondarenko I.S. — Precision diffusion solder of aluminum alloys.
15. Berezin L.Y. — Equipment for the welding process in the external electric fields of high voltage.

16. Kazymyr Volodymyr — Multi-agent control of the electron beam in the electron beam welding machines.
17. Lytvynov Vitaliy, Bohdan Irina, Slivko K.S. — Software models of tools verification.
18. Vavilenkova A.I. — Software for detection of text documents identical in content.
19. Humen M.B. — Methods of computer processing of images and area of their rational use.
20. Dvoiehlazova Maryna, Skiter I.S. — Development of architecture of system of support of making decisions for the analysis of integration of informative systems.
21. Ryndych Y.V. — Architecture of secured voice conference systems in ip-networks.
22. Semko Viktor — Logical-mathematical model of the description of decisions space.
23. Yarmilko A.V — Applying the imaging techniques for diagnostics and controlling of electron-radial stream micromachining of the optical materials.
24. Krіazhych O.O., Zakhmatov V.D. — The approach to the check of conformity of management model by im pulse means of multiplane protection.

25. Lezhnіuk P.D., Kravchuk S.V. — Optimization of a connection of non-traditional renewable energy in electric networks.
26. Shkrabets F.P., Krasovskiy P.Y. — Analysis of overhead lines parameters influence on technical power losses in transit.
27. Yandulskyi O.S., Matseyko V.V. — Improving the quality of power systems by means of flexible ac transmission systems.
28. Bazhenov V.A., Suleimanov T.М., Katsadze Т.L. — Formation of design solutions for electric power systems.
29. Zaitsev S.V., Prystupa V.V., Vasylenko V.M. — Interference evaluation of stability of wireless networks with ofdm signals with internal bit pseudo-random permutations of sub-carriers.
30. Zarovskyi R.V. — Optimization of voltage regulation system with pwm for speed (high-speed operation).
31. Trunina Н.О., Tymokhina A.О., Marchenko A.A. — Model of voltage regulator of electrical distribution network.
32. Sobutskyi V.О., Bura V.S. — Methods of mathematical modeling of production-industrial situation in the system of main electric networks as an element of city infrastructure.
33. Dovgalyuk O.N., Pirotti A.Ye., Shevchenko S.Y. — Peculiarities the choice of surge arresters in networks 6-35 kv.
34. Zhylenkov А.А., Chiornyі S.H. — Adaptive control system of active filter with modular topology.

35. Ivanyshyn V.А., Shpylka S.M. — Results of geological and engineering surveys for apartment and underground parking building: field and laboratory surveys.
36. Zinchenko Y.S., Нumenіuk Оksana, Shupуlo K.O., Semenіuk O.Y. — Use of food coloring by the domestic producers of a food’s industry.